If water is programmable....

Sarah Stier
I am curious as to the prior state of each container of water that is used in this process. As I have learned, water is programmable and therefor I would think could begin as a preprogrammed fluid. There are many influences that I would imagine could make an imprint of sorts on the water as it has journeyed up to the point of this process. Is there some measure used that I am unclear about which clears all other programming from the water before it is charged with infoceuticals and IC Complexes as algorithms. If not, should a clearing algorithm be used prior to doing this?

If water is programmable....
28 Août 2019
Salut Sarah, Bonnes questions, merci! Certes, l'eau que nous achetons dans le magasin ou que nous prenons à une source a un long voyage et l'environnement électromagnétique imprime les propriétés des minéraux, des matériaux, des pensées des gens, des champs et d'autres choses environnantes. La capacité de l'eau à conserver son état (ou "se souvenir" de l'influence) dépend des substances dissoutes et des minéraux dans l'eau. La plupart de l'eau... Voir plus
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